Friday, June 26, 2009

Public Enemy Number 1: The hill

I ran to Bakang yesterday. That's right, in case you missed the verb in that sentence, I ran. Ok, so I almost died, but it was the hill that almost killed me. The Bakang hill, me and the mile elevation do not get along at all. I swear, by the end of my stay here, I will be able to run up the Bakang hill. I might need a little more than 10 days though. Being here without a car has deepened my respect for the people from Bakang and Balatsit. They climb this hill when they want something from town, usually with 30 lbs of stuff on their head, and I have difficulty walking up it, carrying just myself. Who needs an institution like the gym when it takes so much energy just to survive?

While the drillers are still (STILL) searching for the right part in Baffoussam, I went with Nura to Baham to meet with her students about their service projects. We took a moto taxi there, which is by far my favorite mode of transportation here. I love most modes of transportation that involve the wind in face, but there is nothing like a moto ride through Cameroon. Except perhaps if I was driving it. But for all of its lax or non-existent road rules, I don't think Cameroon is ready for do not worry. However, this moto ride, I was wondering what would happen if my left flip flop got caught in the drive chain but I couldn't move my leg because the moto driver was half sitting on my lap. After the meeting, we walked to the next town, two hours away, to get a moto back. I got some donuts for the road, which are fried dough balls sprinkled with sugar, much like American donuts except better since they don't have additives or preservatives. Donuts and motos. It was a good day.

Today I'm going to camp out at the drill site in Bakang and supervise the repair of the drill rig. I will update you all on the status soon!



Taylor said...

You're a trooper Sarah

Melissa said...

Good luck with the running and woo hoo about the donuts! These updates are very fun to read and I wish you the best in the rest of this well business.

Unknown said...

Gypsy Sar,

So I was thinking this morning....what type of drill bit are these well drillers looking for? Because I could totally buy one on ebay and fed ex it to cameroon and get it to you faster than these other guys.

I miss you lots and love reading your things you write. I went hiking today for a little bit and I am currently watching the west wing with a small dog named Lego. She is not my dog but we adopted her for a few days while her family is on vacation.


If you're going to keep running up that hill in flip flops you should probably eat more donuts.

love, lizard

Anonymous said...

Keep at it, Sarah. Maybe you can show those drillers how some ingenious use of duct tape will get that air hammer working again.
Dr. Steve

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